Barsalli Buyers Agency


Barsalli Buyers Agency


     Your Buyers Agent.


I’m not your average buyer’s agent – I’m a fellow property enthusiast and renovator.

Having dipped my toes into the world of property investment, I’ve gathered invaluable insights and built a network of pros along the way. Now, I’m on a mission to share the love.

I get a kick out of helping people secure their dream homes using the skills I’ve gained firsthand. It’s not just about buying a property; it’s about find the right space to create a home and to find an investment that suits your unique style and goals.

With me, it’s like having a friend who’s been there, done that, and is super pumped to guide you through the exciting journey of property ownership!



My passion for property has been a lifelong journey. It all began when I met my husband, Peter. Together, we embarked on a journey that led us to renovate properties, starting with our apartment in Randwick, Sydney’s eastern suburbs.

Our journey didn’t stop there; we ventured into investments, flipping properties through renovations, and even delving into the commercial real estate market. Over the past eight years, I’ve  built an extensive network of real estate experts, investors, and like-minded enthusiasts who share my passion.

With nearly two decades of corporate experience and my deep knowledge of the property market, I’am now a  buyer’s advocate role. My mission is simple: to help you achieve your property goals, just as I have with mine. I listen closely to your needs and aspirations, tailor a strategy to your unique goals, and bring that strategy to life.

Discover my journey to becoming a buyers agent in a candid chat with Ben Handler.

Offering The Premiere Services

Barsalli Buyers Agency Specialties


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Meet Rhoda
